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Displaying items by tag: Military

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller

Thought military tracking technology couldn’t get any creepier? Hold onto your tinfoil hats and hide behind the nearest curtain because the next generation of manhunting gear just took another step closer to reality.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011 07:15

WebBuzz du 23/02/2011

Si les régis ne sont pas étanches, les Hummers non plus ... c'est ce qu'illustre cette vidéo avec un concours de celui qui parviendra à noyer son hummer ...
Seems that Hummers are not waterproof ... This is the topic of this video... the goal is to cross the river ... and neither civilian hummer nor military hummer succed ...

Published in Webbuzz
Wednesday, 25 January 2012 08:11

WebBuzz du 25/01/2012

La formation militaire demande, généralement, de la discipline, de la précision et beaucoup de courage qui peut être necessaire au moment du combat. Mais pour les soldats qui suivent une formation dans l'Armée populaire de Libération en Chine, le niveau est tout autre. Voici l'incroyable exercice de la "patate chaude" mais avec une vraie grenade ... Les soldats se passent la grenade à tour de rôle autour d'un grand trou, le dernier à la lourde tâche de jeter la grenade dans le trou, tous doivent se retourner et sauter le plus loin possible au moment de l'explosion de la grenade.
Military training is an intense business, involving discipline, precision, and reserves of courage that can be called upon in the midst of battle. But for soldiers undergoing training in the People's Liberation Army of China that's taken to a whole different level -- as one of their exercises involves a life-and-death game of 'hot potato' with a live grenade. Incredible video footage shows Chinese troops stationed in Hong Kong passing around the live explosive from one soldier to the next until the last one finally throws it in the hole. The soldiers then leap out of the way before it explodes, covering their heads for protection.
The clip shows them again doing the exercise, standing around a large hole. Each soldier deliberately takes the explosives in both hands and twists slightly at the torso before handing it off to the next soldier. The last soldier to hold the grenade must make sure it lands on the pond-side of the hole, a decidedly difficult task given the circumstances. All soldiers then leap to the ground as the C4 detonates, sending piles of dirt and dust into the air.


Published in Webbuzz

Pour être parachutiste, il faut avoir une bonne condition physique mais également une petite part d'inconscience. En effet, il ne faut pas avoir peur de sauter dans le vide, sans compter que les instructeurs ne vous explique pas que vous pouvez éventuellement resté coincé comme ce malheureux. Heureusement, ces collègues sont parvenus à le ramener à bord sans encombre.

To be a paratrooper, must be in good physical condition, but also a small part of unconsciousness. In fact, do not be afraid to jump into the void, besides the instructors do not explain that you can possibly stuck as unfortunate. Fortunately, these colleagues were able to bring on board safely.

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