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- December 27, 2011 |
- 12:00 pm ...
Jan. 5, 1943: George Washington Carver, King of Crops, Dies
1943: George Washington Carver dies, leaving a legacy of a revived and diversified Southern agriculture and hundreds of new and improved food products. Think of him whenever you’re enjoying peanut butter.
Carver was born into slavery in Missouri sometime in the first half of the 1860s: The exact date is unknown. His father was killed in an accident before George was born. Slaveholder Moses Carver sent his slaves to Arkansas during the Civil War, and though George’s mother was never heard from again, the boy was returned to the Missouri plantation at the end of the war.
He was no longer a slave,...
Wired Playlist: The Need for Speed
Wired's Most Anticipated Games of 2012
Assuming the world doesn’t end in 2012, here are the videogames we’re most looking forward to playing this year.
Although you may find this hard to believe, the editors of Wired and Ars Technica are gamers just like you. While we do our best to see through all the marketing spin, it’s tough to keep ourselves from salivating a little over upcoming games. It is entirely possible that we’ll discover a variety of new indie games that take up more of our gaming time in the coming year, but as of today our view of the future is clouded by all the sneak peeks of 2012’s blockbusters.
As with our list...
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