July 13, 1937: Gibson Plugs In the Electric Guitar
1937: Guy Hart, general manager of the Gibson guitar company, is awarded the first patent for an electric guitar pickup. The instrument that defines popular music in the second half of the 20th century is born.
Gibson’s electric guitar wasn’t the first to market, but its pickup design was superior to competing models — especially after guitar-makers begin dropping them into their new, innovative designs more than a decade later.
Guitarists have a reputation for coaxing as much volume as possible out of their instruments — whether it’s advisable or not. But guitarists playing in dance bands, lar...
July 4, 1776: Preserving the Declaration
1776: The Declaration of Independence is signed. It will take 127 years before someone gets around to saying, “Hey, maybe we should preserve this thing.”
The Declaration of Independence can be fairly said to stand alongside the Magna Carta and Bill of Rights as the most important documents in the history of democracy. Its significance was understood from the moment it was signed, so one is left to wonder why its preservation was ignored for so long.
During the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence was rolled up and toted around like a Thomas Bros. map, although, given the...
June 30, 1953: Corvette Adds Some Fiber, Flair to American Road
1953: Chevrolet introduces the Corvette. It’s a time when “new” and “Space Age” are the big buzzwords, and the Corvette fits the bill.
The Corvette featured a gorgeous body made entirely of a new wonder material called fiberglass, and it was the first production car made of the stuff.
There is only one truly American sports car, and it is the Chevrolet Corvette. Oh sure, the Shelby Cobra is very nice and mighty quick, but it has an American engine in an English chassis. The Dodge Viper is a fitting example of how brute horsepower and big tires can overcome a chassis that isn’t terribly s...
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