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Mardi, 31 Mai 2011 13:00

The Perils of Cloud Computing

What would happen if your future arrived too early? If you got the keys to your first car when you were eight? Landed your first big management job at 15?

I’ve been asking those questions while playing with the Cr-48 laptop, the first implementation of Google’s cloud-based Chrome operating system. After a few months with it, I feel like it’s important, but I also think it’s from a future we’re simply not ready for.

Lundi, 19 Mai 2014 07:11

WebBuzz du 19/05/2014

Avant d'avoir toutes les options, les premiers prototypes de tondeuse autoportée devait très certainement ressemblé à cela. Quoi qu'on puisse en dire, c'est efficace.
Before to get all options, the first prototypes of lawn tractor was certainly looked like that. What we can say is effective.

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Review: Get Your Game On With Sony's Xperia Play Android Phone

Where most slider phones have a keyboard, Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play sports Playstation controls. Photo: Jon Snyder/Wired.com.

Mothers, lock up your gamers. The PlayStation phone has arrived.

And while it’s a bit on the chubby side, we think that, for Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Play, big is beautiful.

You could almost call the Xperia Play the shorter, fatter cousin to the svelte Xperia Arc, which Sony Ericsson once described as the “world’s thinnest smartphone.” At .62 inches, the Play looks positively bulky compared to its Xperia-line relatives — a veritable Jan Brady to the Arc’s Marcia.

Piloter un drône demande énormément d'heures d'entrainement. Mais grace à la technologie, c'est maintenant à la portée de tous. Vous avez besoin de prendre de la hauteur ? Lily est pour vous. Il est simple à commander et vous suit partout.

Fly a drone requires a lot of hours of training. But thanks to technology, it is now within the reach of all. You need to get high? Lily is for you. It is simple to control and follows you everywhere.

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Tous ceux qui ont joué avec une caméra vidéo connaissent ce phénomène. Mais le résultat change d'un appareil à un autre. Dans tous les cas, on peut s'amuser pendant des heures jusqu'à être hypnotisé par l'écran.

Everyone who has played with a video camera familiar with this phenomenon. But the result changes from one device to another. In any case, we can have fun for hours to be hypnotized by the screen.

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Le meilleur moyen de découvrir les sensations de la chute libre est le saut en parachute en tandem. C'est ce que propose Forest Pullman: lui et sa parternaire de saut l'ont échappé belle. L'avion qui les a emmenés à 4000m les a frolés lors de leur saut. Fort heureusement personne ne fut blessé mais tous les 2 ont eu leur lot de sensations très fortes

The best way to experience the thrill of freefall skydiving is in tandem. This is what Forest offers Pullman him and his jump parternaire have a narrow escape. The plane that took them to 4000m has grazed them when they jump. Fortunately nobody was hurt but all the 2 had their share of strong sensations

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Un nouveau style de photos vient d'apparaitre et il est très prisé des chasseurs d'orages. Il s'agit du stormlapses. Et comme vous pouvez les voir, le résultat est stupéfiant.

A new style photos just appear and it is popular with hunters storms. This is the stormlapses. And as you can see, the result is amazing.

Publié dans Webbuzz

Robotics lab Boston Dynamics est heureux de vous annoncer la naissance de spot. C'est un robot quadrupède totallement indépendant et capable d'affronter n'importe quel terrains. Il se déplace tout seul et sait garder l'équilibre. Impressionnant.

Robotics lab Boston Dynamics is pleased to announce the birth spot. It is a quadruped robot totally independent and able to tackle any terrain. It moves by itself and knows how to keep the balance. Impressive.

Publié dans Webbuzz

Les demandes en mariage sont toujours surprenantes, certains les préparent et organisent pendant des mois éclipsant presque l'événement lui-même. Mais la meilleure façon de faire n'est elle pas celle de cet homme et d'être capable de vraiment surprendre sa future femme ?

Marriage proposals are always surprising, some prepare and organize for months almost eclipsing the event itself. But the best way to do it is not one of this man and to be able to really surprise his future wife?

Publié dans Webbuzz
Apple Announces iCloud, Steve Jobs WWDC Keynote

A cloud. Photo Karen Ka Ying Wong / Flickr

Apple has confirmed maybe the worst kept secret in Silicon Valley: it’s been working on a cloud service, and will announce it at the June 6 Worldwide Developers Conference.

So now we know annual developer’s conference will unveil “iCloud®, Apple’s upcoming cloud services offering,” but we don’t know yet what it is, or what exactly will reside at the domain name it may have bought for $4.5 million in April.

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