Les rumeurs courraient déjà sur un nouvel iOS 5 ainsi que sur la dernière version de l’OS X et on s’attendait à ces deux ann...
The Perils of Cloud Computing
What would happen if your future arrived too early? If you got the keys to your first car when you were eight? Landed your first big management job at 15?
I’ve been asking those questions while playing with the Cr-48 laptop, the first implementation of Google’s cloud-based Chrome operating system. After a few months with it, I feel like it’s important, but I also think it’s from a future we’re simply not ready for.
WebBuzz du 25/02/2015: Demande en mariage en selfie-Incredible selfie proposal
Les demandes en mariage sont toujours surprenantes, certains les préparent et organisent pendant des mois éclipsant presque l'événement lui-même. Mais la meilleure façon de faire n'est elle pas celle de cet homme et d'être capable de vraiment surprendre sa future femme ?
Marriage proposals are always surprising, some prepare and organize for months almost eclipsing the event itself. But the best way to do it is not one of this man and to be able to really surprise his future wife?
WebBuzz du 19/09/2013
Pour Ceux qui n'aurait pas eu le loisir de voir en direct l'opération de redressement du Costa Concordia, voici une petite scéance de rattrappage et en moins de 2 minutes. Même si l'opération a l'air simple, elle cache beaucoup de technicité et de professionnalisme.
For those who would not have had the opportunity to see live the recovery operation of the Costa Concordia, here's a little time-laspe and in less than 2 minutes. Although the operation looks simple, it hides a lot of technical expertise and professionalism.
WebBuzz du 22/04/2015: Technique: un aveugle retrouve la vue-Technic: a blind people can see again
Mark Cronell, un vétéran de l'US Air Force, a perdu la vue depuis plus de 20 ans et grace à la technique, il peut voir ses amis pour la première fois. Un moment très émouvant pour lui.
Mark Cronell, a veteran of the US Air Force, lost his sight for more than 20 years and thanks to technology, he can see his friends for the first time. A very emotional moment for him.
WebBuzz du 13/03/2015: Evolution des jeux video depuis 1958-Video game evolution since 1958
Ce sera une découverte pour certains et un souvenir pour d'autres, voici une petite saga sur l'évolution des jeux vidéos depuis 1958. On peut mesurer le chemin parcouru.
It will be a discovery for some and a memory for others, here's a little saga about the evolution of video games since 1958. We can measure the progress.
Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study
A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.
Officiel: iOS 5, OS X Lion et iCloud seront dévoilés la semaine prochaine par Apple !
WebBuzz du 20/02/2015: Nouvel an chinois mélange de tradition et de technique-Chinese new year mix of tradition and technology
La chinese est pleine de contrastes extrèmes. Pour le nouvel an chinois, il est de tradition de faire exploser des petards pour éloigner les mauvais esprits. Et personne ne déroge à la règle. C'est le cas de cette famille qui a ajouté un drone ! Et voici le résultat...
The chinese is full of extreme contrasts. For Chinese New Year, it is customary to blow up firecrackers to ward off evil spirits. And no exception to the rule. This is the case of this family who added a drone! Here is the result ...
May 31, 2006: Pirate Bay Raided, Shuttered
2006: Swedish police raid The Pirate Bay website and shut it down.
“Pirate Bay was a huge source of pirated films for people around the world, and today they are no longer.”
That was a statement issued exactly five years ago Tuesday by Kori Bernards, a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture Association of America.
After all, Swedish police that day had just raided the file sharing site’s offices and carted away a boatload of servers.
Burning Question: Why Do DVDs Still Have Region Codes?
While vacationing in France, you find a DVD of Ishtar. Score! (It’s never been released on DVD in the US). But when you get home, you discover that you’ve purchased a Region 2 disc, which, in your Region 1 player, is as useful as a coaster. This raises two questions: Why do you want to watch Ishtar? And why do we still have region codes?
The answers: taste and money, respectively. Though there’s no accounting for the former, those codes may soon be gone.
Regional restrictions began in 1997, as DVD technology was rolling out. They have nothing to do with the NTSC and PAL...