Mercredi, 13 Juillet 2011 01:08
Sn0wbreeze 2.8 b4 Released; Jailbreaks iOS 5 Beta 3 On Windows
iH8sn0w has released Sn0wbreeze 2.8 b4 to jailbreak iOS 5 beta 3 on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. As always, Sn0wbreeze is a Windows jailbreak tool. iH8sn0w (@iH8sn0w) recently tweeted that he has updated Sn0wbreeze 2.8 to support iOS 5 beta 3. His message said the following: sn0wbreeze v2.8b4 for today’s iOS 5 beta 3 for developers is now available. All release notes + link — The support devices include: iPhone 3GS (old bootrom) (UNTETHERED) iPhone 3GS (new bootrom) (TETHERED) iPhone 4 (GSM) (TETHERED) iPhone 4 (CDMA) (TETHERED) iPod Touch 3G (TETHERED) iPod Touch 4 (TETHERED) iPod 1G (TETHERED) Also, if you didn’t already know, Sn0wbreeze is for Windows users only. You can download it from the following link: Sn0wbreeze 2.8b4. The changelog for for Sn0wbreeze 2.8b4 can be found below: --------------------------------------------- sn0wbreeze v2.8b4 -- For iOS 5.0 b3(9A5259f) --------------------------------------------- * Intended only for developers (as usual). * Hacktivation is disabled (again). * MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE TO iTunes 10.5 BETA 3! --------------------------------------------- Supported Devices/Tethered? --------------------------------------------- iPhone 3G[S] (old bootrom) [UNTETHERED] iPhone 3G[S] (new bootrom) [TETHERED] iPhone 4 (GSM) [TETHERED] iPhone 4 (CDMA) [TETHERED] iPod Touch 3G [TETHERED] iPod Touch 4 [TETHERED] iPad 1G [TETHERED] --------------------------------------------- Those wondering, the jailbreakme exploit cannot be integrated into applications such as PwnageTool/redsn0w/sn0wbreeze. --------------------------------------------- redsn0w seems to be having sandbox errors due to it using the old b1 kernel. I and many others have not seen any issues with sn0wbreeze related to AppStore apps. If you prefer to use redsn0w, I am sure @MuscleNerd is working on a fix. --------------------------------------------- Download --> --------------------------------------------- // iH8sn0w As usual, do not upgrade your iDevice to iOS beta 5 unless you know what you are doing. There is the strong possibility your iDevice could be bricked so proceed with caution. The guide to jailbreak iOS 5 is EXACTLY same as before, just download latest version of tool and follow the tutorial guide below: We will provide more updates as they become available, so stay tuned by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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