Mercredi, 13 Juillet 2011 01:16
Redsn0w 0.9.8b2 Released; Offers Tethered Jailbreak For iOS 5.0b3
Users who were updating to iOS 5 beta 3 and jailbreaking with Redsn0w previously reported experiencing AppStore application issues where these apps just didn’t work. iOS developer and hacker ih8sn0w mentioned the following to clarify why this bug was occuring: redsn0w seems to be having sandbox errors due to it using the old b1 kernel. I and many others have not seen any issues with sn0wbreeze related to AppStore apps. If you prefer to use redsn0w, I am sure @MuscleNerd is working on a fix. MuscleNerd recently tweeted that Redsn0w was updated as well to fix the sandboxing issue with AppStore applications on iOS 5 beta 3. redsn0w 0.9.8b2 should fix 50b3 App Store issue (if you’re already JB, just use this to boot tethered If you are interested in downloading the new version of RedSn0w the links can be found below: An important note regarding RedSn0w 0.9.8b2 is that you are on iOS 5 beta 3, point the jailbreak tool to the iOS 5 beta 3 IPSW (confirmed by MuscleNerd on IRC). We will provide more updates as they become available, so stay tuned by following us on Facebook, Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. Authors:
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