Wednesday 26 February 2025
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News Technologique-Tech News
Avec l'explosion du web mobile et des applications, de nombreuses startups se sont positionnées sur le développement de services web qui permettent de construire son application iPhone dans une interface visuelle simplifiée, comme l'excellent iSites par exemple, qui fut l'un des pionniers. Yapper propose un service équivalent, mais avec une tarification différente puisque vous achetez votre application, contrairement à iSites qui facture un

If you are vaguely familiar with the Middle East startup scene, it’s impossible to escape the name Fadi Ghandour. From his office in Jordon, Ghandour has had a heavy hand in laying the foundation of the Arab world’s rising tech scene.

As a fresh-faced graduate of George Washington University, Ghandour returned to Jordan as a young man to start Aramex in 1982. It took 16 years for his transportation and logistics company to get the proper licenses to operate in the region,

If you are vaguely familiar with the Middle East startup scene, it’s impossible to escape the name Fadi Ghandour. From his office in Jordan, Ghandour has had a heavy hand in laying the foundation of the Arab world’s rising tech scene.

As a fresh-faced graduate of George Washington University, Ghandour returned to Jordan as a young man to start Aramex in 1982. It took 16 years for his transportation and logistics company to get the proper licenses to operate in the region,

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