WebBuzz du 18/11/2011
Les vidéos de chat sur internet deviennent vite virale, mais cela peut lasser ... Mais il y a mieux... Cette video d'un puma lorsqu'il joue est vraiment impréssionnante ...
Cat's video on the internet quickly become viral, but it can tire ... But there are better ... This video of a puma while playing is really impressive ...
WebBuzz du 01/06/2012
A Disneyworld, les employés du parc sont tellement habitués à travailler avec les animaux qu'un petit écureuil (s'agit il de Tic ou de Tac ?) a fait prendre un retard de 45 minutes au train parcourant le parc. Après une course aussi longue l'écureil est totalement fatigué mais il finit tout de même par évacuer la voie. Il y a peut être un moyen plus efficace que le klaxon du train pour évacuer un écureil de la voie.
At Disneyworld, park staff are so used to working with animals a small squirrel (he is a Tic or Tac ?) did take a delay of 45 minutes to the train traversing the park. After a long race, the squirrel is totally tired but he still finished by evacuating the way. There may be a more effective way than the train horn to remove a squirrel track.
WebBuzz du 22/05/2014
Alors que sa maitresse essaie de reproduire la video de "let it go" tirée du dernier dessin animé des studios disney, ce chat, qui a le sens de le mise en scène, parvient a éteindre la lumière ... Malin le minou ...
While his owner tries to reproduce video "let it go" from the latest cartoon of disney studios, this cat, who has a sense of the staging, manages to turn off the light ... Smarty kitty .. .
WebBuzz du 07/10/2011
For many kids, a trip to Disneyland is the epitome of fun and happiness. But most kids can’t go and are stuck with just dreams of a Disney vacation. Lucky for Lily, her parents are about to fulfill her dream. Lily is about to turn six years, and as a surprise, her mom packed her a week early birthday present backpack. She found a bunch of fun stuff inside, but only after she saw everything did mom tell her it was for a Disney trip they were taking today. Lily breaks down in tears of happiness. Disney, you have succeeded again.