Saturday 08 February 2025
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Displaying items by tag: google
Ruse fiscale Google détourne le fisc britannique

Le moteur de recherche le plus connu du monde a réussi à réaliser d’importantes économies en impôts lors des cinq dernières années. Grâce à un subtil réseau de sociétés dans plusieurs pays, Google Europe parvient à faire déclarer l’essentiel de ses revenus aux Bermudes, véritable paradis fiscal.


Packer est un outil pour la création d'images identiques de PCs utilisable par plusieurs plates-formes à partir d'une configuration de source unique.

Published in WebDesign

Google Web Fonts est sans doute le service gratuit de police de caratères pour le web le plus populaire.

Published in WebDesign

Tout le monde utilise Google Maps avec ses styles par défaut les plus familiers et facilement reconnaissable.

Published in WebDesign


Google a mis en place une nouvelle application de courrier électronique, de la même équipe qui construit Gmail, mais conçu comme quelque chose de complètement différent de Gmail.

Published in WebDesign
Thursday, 02 February 2012 06:01

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Feb. 2

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Feb. 2

Our good friends at Google run a daily puzzle challenge and asked us to help get them out to the geeky masses. Each day’s puzzle will task your googling skills a little more, leading you to Google mastery. Each morning at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time you’ll see a new puzzle, and the previous day’s answer (in invisitext) posted here.


What job did Poor Richard’s first-born son take that effectively ended their relationship?


Search [Europe’s largest parliament building] to find the Hungarian Parliament Building. Search [Hungarian coat of arms] to learn that the item is the Hungarian Crown, which is housed in the Parliament Building.

react-toolbox est un ensemble de composants reprenant l'ensembles des directives proposées par Google dans son material Design.

Published in WebDesign

Chartkick est un joyau en Ruby (dispose également d'une API JavaScript qui ne nécessite pas Ruby) pour créer très facilement des graphiques des très bonne qualité rapidement.

Published in WebDesign
Thursday, 26 January 2012 06:01

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Jan. 26

A Google-a-Day Puzzle for Jan. 26

Our good friends at Google run a daily puzzle challenge and asked us to help get them out to the geeky masses. Each day’s puzzle will task your googling skills a little more, leading you to Google mastery. Each morning at 12:01 a.m. Eastern time you’ll see a new puzzle, and the previous day’s answer (in invisitext) posted here.

We leave the comments on so people can work together to find the answer. As such, if you want to figure it out all by yourself, DON’T READ THE COMMENTS!

Also, with the knowledge that because others may publish their answers before you do, if you want to be able to search for information without accidentally seeing the answer somewhere, you can use the Google-a-Day site’s search tool, which will automatically filter out published answers, to give you a spoiler-free experience.

And now, without further ado, we give you…


1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 dxc4 5.Nf3 Be7. What is the ECO code of this opening?

YESTERDAY’S ANSWER (mouseover to see):

Search [arrested by Catholic church 1633 pardoned 1992] to find that this was Galileo. Search for [Galileo story stone scrolls] and find that Vicenzo Viviani had Galileo’s life story written on huge stone scrolls at his Palazzo dei Cartelloni.

Il est facile de trouver des applications web open source de bonne qualité en PHP ou JavaScript. Mais ça l'est beaucoup moins quand il s'agit d'en trouver codé en ASP.NET.

Published in WebDesign
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