WebBuzz du 11/12/2013
Pendant la période de noël, tout le monde s'active dans les sapinières. Aux Usa, il charge les futurs sapins de Noël au moyen d'un hélicoptère. Le pilote est capable de charger un camion en moins d'un quart d'heure. Incroyable !!!
During Christmas time, everyone active in the fir. In the USA, it loads the future Christmas trees using a helicopter. The pilot is able to load a truck in less than a quarter of an hour. Incredible!
WebBuzz du 23/06/2015: Un pilote d'ulm trouve un chat en plein vol-A microlight pilot find a cat during a flight
A quoi servent les vérifications et les check listes pour les appareils volants ? A éviter les problèmes et aussi de retrouver un passager clandestin au cours d'un vol. Même pour un ULM. Fort heureusement, le chat va très bien.
What are the check lists for flying machines? To avoid problems and also to find a rider during a flight. Even for a ULM. Fortunately, the cat is fine.
WebBuzz du 17/07/2014: Un vrai pilote ne s'arrete jamais-a real pilot never stops
Comment reconnais-t-on un pilote parmi les jeunes recrues ? C'est simple c'est celui qui se sort de toutes les situations en restant concentrés sur la course ... même si le ciel lui tombe sur la tête ou presque ...
How does one recognize a pilot among young recruits? Simply this is the one that comes out of every situation remaining focused on the race ... even if the sky falls on his head or almost ...
WebBuzz du 24/11/2011
Regis is back and today he is a fighter pilot. Fortunately not for long, especially after the landing whose arrival is a little too fast and at an angle to the ground a bit excessive. In any case, the opinion of the landing gear and the whole structure of the plane decided to "give up" ... Fortunately, the fighter pilot was not injured after being ejected.
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