Nov. 16, 1904: Vacuum Tube Heralds Birth of Modern Electronics
1904: British engineer John Ambrose Fleming invents and patents the thermionic valve, the first vacuum tube. With this advance, the age of modern wireless electronics is born.
Although the Supreme Court eventually invalidated Fleming’s U.S. patent — ruling that the technology he used for his invention was already known — he remains the acknowledged inventor of the vacuum tube, a diode (having two electrodes) that would have far-reaching applications. The tube was standard equipment in radio receivers, radar sets, early television sets and other forms of electronic communication for at least...
Fail: What We Got Wrong About Saving Apple
- By Wired Magazine Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
- November 1, 2011 |
- 12:30 pm |
- Wired November 2011
Self-Help for Nerds: Advice from Comedian Chris Hardwick
I used to be a mess. Now I'm the host of The Nerdist and an ideal specimen of man.
Photo: Bryce Duffy
Nerds. Once a tortured subrace of humans condemned to hiding in dark corners from the brutal hand of social torment … now captains of industry! The explosive popularity of the Internet, videogames, and smartphone technology has made this formerly feeble cluster of pasty virgins “cool.” But I was a nerd when it wasn’t a buzzword yet. I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school. (Ladies will be sexually aroused to know that I was the Memphis City Junior High Chess Champion of 19...
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