Dimanche 07 Juillet 2024
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Robotics lab Boston Dynamics est heureux de vous annoncer la naissance de spot. C'est un robot quadrupède totallement indépendant et capable d'affronter n'importe quel terrains. Il se déplace tout seul et sait garder l'équilibre. Impressionnant.

Robotics lab Boston Dynamics is pleased to announce the birth spot. It is a quadruped robot totally independent and able to tackle any terrain. It moves by itself and knows how to keep the balance. Impressive.

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Lundi, 19 Mai 2014 07:11

WebBuzz du 19/05/2014

Avant d'avoir toutes les options, les premiers prototypes de tondeuse autoportée devait très certainement ressemblé à cela. Quoi qu'on puisse en dire, c'est efficace.
Before to get all options, the first prototypes of lawn tractor was certainly looked like that. What we can say is effective.

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Bientôt la fin des remontées mécaniques ? c'est peut être le cas avec cette essai réalisé avec un snowboard équipé de 2 petits moteurs de fusées (sans doute des moteurs de fusées miniatures) qui semble trés concluant (en tout cas ... en descente) ...

Soon the end of the ski lifts? this may be the case with this trial with a snowboard with 2 small rocket engines (probably miniature rocket engines) that seems very conclusive (at last  ... following the downhill) ...

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While vacationing in France, you find a DVD of Ishtar. Score! (It’s never been released on DVD in the US). But when you get home, you discover that you’ve purchased a Region 2 disc, which, in your Region 1 player, is as useful as a coaster. This raises two questions: Why do you want to watch Ishtar? And why do we still have region codes?

The answers: taste and money, respectively. Though there’s no accounting for the former, those codes may soon be gone.

Regional restrictions began in 1997, as DVD technology was rolling out. They have nothing to do with the NTSC and PAL...

Enfin la technique offre des solutions pour rendre le monde qui nous entoure de plus en plus sûr. Avec cette solution de radars, le conducteur est sensibilisé aux autres usagers de la route. Vivement que ces solutions se démocratisent et soient disponible en série même sur les voitures low-cost.

Finally, the technique offers solutions to make the world around us more and more secure. With this solution radars, the driver is aware of other road users. Strongly that these solutions are democratizing and are available as standard even on low-cost cars.

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Un nouveau style de photos vient d'apparaitre et il est très prisé des chasseurs d'orages. Il s'agit du stormlapses. Et comme vous pouvez les voir, le résultat est stupéfiant.

A new style photos just appear and it is popular with hunters storms. This is the stormlapses. And as you can see, the result is amazing.

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The 990FX Chipset Arrives: AMD And SLI Rise Again

AMD is laying the foundation for its Socket AM3+, Bulldozer-based Zambezi processors with the 990FX chipset, functionally identical to 890FX. The big news is that motherboard vendors are licensing SLI again, and we want to compare performance to Intel.

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller

Thought military tracking technology couldn’t get any creepier? Hold onto your tinfoil hats and hide behind the nearest curtain because the next generation of manhunting gear just took another step closer to reality.

Mardi, 31 Mai 2011 13:00

The Perils of Cloud Computing

What would happen if your future arrived too early? If you got the keys to your first car when you were eight? Landed your first big management job at 15?

I’ve been asking those questions while playing with the Cr-48 laptop, the first implementation of Google’s cloud-based Chrome operating system. After a few months with it, I feel like it’s important, but I also think it’s from a future we’re simply not ready for.

Piloter un drône demande énormément d'heures d'entrainement. Mais grace à la technologie, c'est maintenant à la portée de tous. Vous avez besoin de prendre de la hauteur ? Lily est pour vous. Il est simple à commander et vous suit partout.

Fly a drone requires a lot of hours of training. But thanks to technology, it is now within the reach of all. You need to get high? Lily is for you. It is simple to control and follows you everywhere.

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