Jeudi 06 Mars 2025
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Word XP/2003 - raccourcis claviers

voici un petit tableau avec les differents raccourcis claviers utilisables sous word 2000/2003




File, New

[Ctrl] + [N]

File, Open

[Ctrl] + [O]

File, Close

[Ctrl] + [W]
[Ctrl] + [F4]

File, Save

[Ctrl] + [S]

File, Print

[Ctrl] + [P]

File, Exit

[Alt] + [F4]

File, Search

[Alt] + [F] + [H]

File, Send To, Mail Recipient

[Alt] + [F] + [D] + [M]

Edit, Undo

[Ctrl] + [Z]

Edit, Redo

[Ctrl] + [Y]

Edit, Cut

[Ctrl] + [X]

Edit, Copy

[Ctrl] + [C]
[Ctrl] + [Insert]

Edit, Paste

[Ctrl] + [V]
[Shift] + [Insert]

Edit, Select All

[Ctrl] + [A]

Edit, Find

[Ctrl] + [F]

Edit, Replace

[Ctrl] + [H]

Format, Borders and Shading

[Alt] + [O] + [B]

Format, Font

[Alt] + [O] + [F]

Format, Font

[Alt] + [O] + [F] + [S]

Format, Font

[Ctrl] + [B]
(bouton maintenu)

Format, Font

[Ctrl] + [U]
(bouton maintenu)

Format, Font

[Ctrl] + [I]
(bouton maintenu)

Format, Font

[Alt] + [O] + [F] + [C]

Format, Styles and Formatting

[Alt] + [O] + [S]

Format, Paragraph
(alignement à gauche)

[Ctrl] + [L]

Format, Paragraph
(alignement centré)

[Ctrl] + [E]

Format, Paragraph
(alignement à droite)

[Ctrl] + [R]

Format, Paragraph
(alignement justifié)

[Ctrl] + [J]

Format, Paragraph
(augmentation de l'indentation)

[Ctrl] + [M]

Format, Paragraph
(reduction de l'indentation)

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [M]

Format, Paragraph
(espacement simple)

[Ctrl] + [1]

Format, Paragraph
(espacement double)

[Ctrl] + [2]

Format, Paragraph
(espacement sur 1.5 ligne)

[Ctrl] + [5]

Format, Columns

[Alt] + [O] + [C]

Insert, AutoText, New

[Alt] + [F3]

Insert, Hyperlink

[Ctrl] + [K]

Help, Microsoft Word Help


Help, What's this?

[Shift] + [F1]

Table, Insert Table

[Alt] + [I] + [T]

Table, Insert Rows (above selected row)

[Alt] + [A] + [I] + [A]

Tools, Spelling and Grammar


Tools, Language, Thesaurus

[Shift] + [F7]

Tools, Macro, Macros

[Alt] + [F8]

Tools, Track Changes

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [E]

View, Document Map

[Alt] + [V] + [D]

View, Toolbars, Tables and Borders

[Alt] + [V] + [T]

View, Toolbars, Drawing

[Alt] + [V] + [T]

View, Zoom

[Alt] + [V] + [Z]

View, Normal

[Alt] + [V] + [N]

copyright Noemi Concept S.A.

French (Fr)English (United Kingdom)


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