Mercredi, 29 Septembre 2010 19:21
Groupon Announces $60K Scholarship For Children Conceived On “Groupon Dates”
Daily deals site Groupon has chosen TCDisrupt to launch their latest stunt and exercise in strange company culture. Groupon CEO Andrew Mason has decided that as the company expands, there will inevitably be babies born off the “intercourse” people are having on dates where they use Groupons.
Because Groupon as a company feels a responsibility towards the children it has, um, spawned, it has set aside a trust fund of $60,000 a year for two kids born to customers who meet and concieve on Groupon dates a year. The money will be released when the Groupon babies reach 25 years of age.
And because Groupon wants to encourage these partnerships, they’ve included a the Groupon Date Assistant, adating/social network aspect to the site, with search emphasis on proximity, to maximize the potential for spawn. In order to prove that in fact customers did meet on a Groupon date, scholarship applicants must send in a picture of themselves on a Groupon date, including the Groupon used and a picture of the day’s newspaper.
Says Mason,“Next time you go on a date, why not use a Groupon? it could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
9Authors: Alexia Tsotsis
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