Mercredi, 29 Septembre 2010 02:26
Lark Will Wake You Silently Without A Jarring Alarm
If your partner has an erratic sleeping schedule, an annoying alarm, or is a perpetual snoozer, you can understand how hard it can be to woken up several times during the night or the morning. Often time after being woken up early or in the middle of a deep sleep, it can be difficult to get back to sleep. Lark, which is launching at TechCrunch Disrupt today, promises to help couples sleep better in the same bed.
Lark’s flagship product, Lark Up, is a revolutionary silent waking system that wakes you silently and naturally. The system involves an iPhone app and a small band that you wear across your wrist while sleeping. You set the iPhone app to the time you need to wake up and the app will transform your phone into a night time alarm clock. The band includes a small device and sensor with blue tooth technology that will vibrate at the time you are supposed to wake up. Plus there’s no more jarring, loud alarms; so your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband won’t be woken up by your alarm.
Founded by Julia Ho, Lark has been working with a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, Dr. Jo Select, to test the app with students; and the app has been producing positive results. Not only are wearers of the device able to wake up from the vibrating technology, but their partners are reporting a better night’s sleep when their sleeping partner is using the vibrating device.
Besides offering a way for users to wake up up without waking up their partner, Lark says that the proprietary vibrating technology promises a more relaxing emergence from a deep slumber. You can pre-order Lark using the code ‘tc2010′ here. The device, which is manufactured in China and expected to ship early next year, costs $99.
CrunchBase InformationLarkInformation provided by CrunchBase
7Authors: Leena Rao
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