Mercredi, 29 Septembre 2010 01:49
Figure Out Your Flying Needs With Superfly
People are obsessed with airline mileage, but it’s really difficult to keep track of the passwords to the mileage programs you are already involved in let alone the ones that might be advantageous to be a part of.
A “Mint for travel but bigger,” Superfly collects user data like miles balance, elite status, travel expenses, analyzing travel patterns and comparing them to already existing mileage programs to provide users with tailor made travel options.
With the objective of consumer savings, Superfly aggregates travel information from all sides of the traveler spectrum and runs an analysis, plotting out user behavior patterns versus the available rewards programs in attempt to save users money.
The service offers a simple interface to track the total value of your rewards, airlines miles over time, and spending patterns with horizontal lines marking achievement level over time valuable in a space where very few airlines provide you with any decipherable tools to manage your obsession.
This service fulfills a real need, as travel is currently a bigger industry than personal finance, with an estimated 17-22 trillion in unused miles deficit.
Superfly intends to monetize by leveraging its intelligent suggestions and charging credit card companies and airline a referral when users follow their suggestions. Founders Jonathan Meiri, Ted Everson and Yaron Shagal estimate material revenue per user at about $29, even through the service is completely free.
Feedback and Q & A by expert judges Sean Parker, James Slavet, Greg Tseng, and Victoria Randsom. I’ve abbreviated their names, for brevity obviously.
VR: How frequently do you need to travel for this to be valuable?
A: Business travelers are interesting because their employers pay for the ticket. Hundreds and thousands of dollars to travelers who travel more than twice a a year.
SP: This always about distribution. The challenge that I see hear is how are you going to get access to a large population of consumers. There is a value to a niche audience, but not mass consumer.
A: $30 revenue per user. I can show you my inbox. The reality comes when we prove to the mass consumer that we can save the money.
GT: I’m in the power user category. What is the size of the population?
A: The size of the market is 30 million Americans, which doubles and triples when you consider Europe and Asia.
CrunchBase InformationsuperflyInformation provided by CrunchBase
8Authors: Alexia Tsotsis
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