Mardi, 28 Septembre 2010 19:49
Schmidt: Twitter Should Be Able To Monetize Hugely
At TechCrunch Disrupt, an audience member just asked Google CEO Eric Schmidt a question about what he thinks of Twitter, and whether Google is buying them. Schmidt declined to answer the latter question but did provide interesting commentary on the first query.
He said: Twitter strikes me as being a very important platform (not surprising, Schmidt actually joined Twitter last year and has used it from time to time). What was interesting was Schmidt’s commentary on Twitter’s potential. He said that “Twitter should be able to come up with advertising and monetization products that are very lucrative.”
That’s a big vote of confidence from the CEO of a company that is churning out profits. There have been a ton of rumors surrounding a possible Google-Twitter acquisition over the past few years, but it’s certainly interesting to see that Schmidt show such strong feelings towards Twitter’s potential and profitability.
CrunchBase InformationEric SchmidtInformation provided by CrunchBase
7Authors: Leena Rao
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