Mardi, 28 Septembre 2010 13:21
Google Buys Schedule Management Startup Plannr
According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, Google has just bought Seattle-based mobile planning startup Plannr, which if you remember our coverage launched about two months ago as an Outlook for hipsters. Plannr, which targets groups of friends less than ten people, is attempting to tie together geolocation, email, SMS and phone calls in order to create an uber-scheduling tool.
Basically a social calendar which allows you to group message your friends with plans, Plannr fits in with Google’s recent mobile and social acquiring spree (neatly tying the two together in fact), though I suspect this the two person startup is more a Google Me-related talent acquisition than anything else. In fact we actually commented on the startup’s overlap with Google calendar in our original post.
Plannr founders and former Microsoft employees Ben Eidelson and Jason Prado denied rumors of the acquisition to me over the weekend but refused to comment on whether or not they were in talks with the search behemoth. Google remains tight lipped as well.
Plannr is bootstrapped which means that whatever the undisclosed purchase price was, Eidelson and Prado must be somewhere celebrating hard, which is probably why they haven’t responded to my most recent email. Something tells me however that I’ll be hearing from them soon.
CrunchBase InformationPlannrInformation provided by CrunchBase
8Authors: Alexia Tsotsis
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