A sterile microchip clean room is just about the last place you’d expect to find juicy cultural remnants. That’s
A sterile microchip clean room is just about the last place you’d expect to find juicy cultural remnants. That’s
The Intel Museum Archives delivers some surprising and joyous visual arcana: diagrams of circuit boards, huge computers and audacious fashion. We’ve posted a few of our favorite photos below.
Peace is Patriotic
The embroided fusion of flowery cheer and anti-nuke politics of this late ’60s lab smock is particularly fetching. The look should be resurrected and made standard issue for lunch ladies, dental hygienists and lab technicians.
Intergalactic Laboratory
In this case, the bunny suit has nothing to do with Hugh Hefner. Also known as the clean room suit, the bunny suit is worn by semiconductor and nanotechnology line production workers.
The suit is also a fail-safe for Halloween revelers on low budgets, the go-to for pre-apocalyptic B-movie directors and (we think) partial inspiration for the Beastie Boys’ intergalactic work crew.
Thanks to i heart photograph for the tip.
Authors: Pete Brook