Mardi, 21 Septembre 2010 12:33
Belgian VC Firm Puts 4.9 Million Euros into Vente-Privée Wannabe
After investing some 15 million euros in France-based OneDirect a few weeks ago, Belgian VC fund Gimv has just announced that it is dropping 4.9 million euros on a Vente-Privée competitor called Private Outlet. This investments brings the company's second round of funding to 9 million euros and should add a bit of monetary fuel to its international development.
Today, the company which refers to itself as Europe's "private online shopping club" counts some 1.8 million members in 5 countries, including France, the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany. Like a majority of the other private sale sites out there, Private Outlet offers up to 70% discounts on fashion accessories and clothing from roughly 150 luxury brands (Christian Dior, D&G, Chanel, etc.).
0Authors: Roxanne Varza
Read 3120 times
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