Authors: Mike Butcher
Lundi, 13 Septembre 2010 09:11
Nokia’s Smartphone Champion Resigns One Day Before Nokia World
Imagine if Jonathan Ives, the designer of the Mac and the iPhone, walked out of Apple one day before its world developer's conference? Well that's the kind of impact of the resignation today of Anssi Vanjoki, who has announced his departure one day before Nokia World, the company's major annual event. Vanjoki was widely seen as being the potential 'Steve Jobs" of Nokia - a product obsessive who could get things done. There's no sign he's left for another job and the short press release
contains no words of thanks from colleagues. Wow.
Vanjoki only recently (as in, July July) became the company's Mobile Solutions leader - the one guy that was poised to knock heads together and turn Nokia back into a major smartphone player against the iPhone and Android. But no more.
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