Authors: Mike Butcher
Lundi, 06 Septembre 2010 13:08
Can Wikileaks Afford To Back The Undiplomatic Julian Assange?
"He’s a classic Aussie in the sense that he’s a bit of a male chauvinist.” That quote comes at the end of a piece on the recent escapades of Julian Assange, founder and chief spokesman for Wikileaks. It seems apt, because it's becoming increasingly clear that an organisation which aspiries to transparency and the high ideals of open information
is going to have problems going forward if it continues to entertain an individual who lacks transparency and whose private life is alleged by his female accuses to be be riddled with low ideals.
Because let's be clear, delicate diplomancy and skirting the choppy waters of international issues which involve thousands of lives - like releasing highly sensitive government information about the Iraq war - is not the kind of thing you want someone who is careless about their personal life to take charge of.
How would you react if you heard this story: A guy sleeps with two women in quick succession, annoys both with his sexual habits, they talk but he dismisses their concerns. When they go to the Police he calls it an "international conspiracy". Uh... what?
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