Mardi, 22 Mars 2011 08:59
Apple To Patch Jailbreak Vulnerabilities With iOS 4.3.1
A new report from BGR claims there is a slight iOS “tweak” expected to be rolled out from Apple within the next two weeks. iOS 4.3.1 said to be released for the iPhone and iPad could be available around the first of April. The update is supposedly addressing minor bugs and security holes. The minor bug fixes are alluding to a fix that would patch a vulnerability that enabled the freshly unveiled iPad 2 to be jailbroken so quickly after its release just a week and a half ago. Also to be on board for iOS 4.3.1 are the following features: Baseband updates for the 3GS and 1st generation iPad Fixed memory hang that results in memory corruption when reading large files from USIM filesystem Fixed problem with NTLM authentication in apps and on websites Fixed issue with the Springboard and 3rd party apps not recognizing the gyroscope on the iPad 2 There are very few details about the iOS update that are known, particularly with regard to Apple possibly bringing its updated OS to Verizon iPhone’s 4. iOS 4.3, only being a week old, serves up a host of improvements, ranging from more secure in-app purchase controls and a revamped Safari web browser, to personal hotspots for tethering a 3G data connection over Wi-Fi and support for AirPlay in third-party apps. Such a quick update to 4.3.1 likely suggests a reaction on the part of Apple to patch the vulnerabilities that continue to be exploited for jailbreaking purposes. As usual, stay tuned for more news and info regarding your iOS devices by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. [Source: BGR] Authors:
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