Stocker grew curious about how cats lap about three years ago while watching his housecat, Cutta Cutta, eating breakfast.
"I started to think, there had to be something interesting about the mechanisms of how the cat was getting the water or milk into the mouth, because it had to overcome gravity," he said.
Cutta Cutta's tongue flicked in and out of his mouth too quickly for Stocker to study with his naked eye. So he borrowed a high-speed video camera from a colleague at MIT.
Stocker and his colleagues filmed Cutta Cutta drinking a bowl of water mixed with a little bit of yogurt ("for visual contrast and palatability") at 120 frames per second. The results appeared Nov. 11 in Science.
Video: Pedro M. Reis, Sunghwan Jung, Jeffrey M. Aristoff and Roman Stocker
Authors: Lisa Grossman