WebBuzz du 04/10/2012
C'est certainement pour gagner un peu de temps que cet ouvrier suédois a chargé un peu plus son chariot. Ne supportant pas la surchage, l'engin s'est appuyer sur le batiment au moment de la manoeuvre. La tentation de "redresser" la situation n'est que trop forte pour l'ouvrier qui se sens fautif. Il tente alors le tout pour le tout ... Conclusion: Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien ...
This is certainly to win a little time this Swedish worker charged a little more his chariot. Do not support the overload, the machine is based on the building at the time of operation. The temptation to "rectify" the situation is too high for the worker who feel guilty. He tries everything to everything ... Conclusion: The best is the enemy of the good ...
May 31, 2006: Pirate Bay Raided, Shuttered
2006: Swedish police raid The Pirate Bay website and shut it down.
“Pirate Bay was a huge source of pirated films for people around the world, and today they are no longer.”
That was a statement issued exactly five years ago Tuesday by Kori Bernards, a spokeswoman for the Motion Picture Association of America.
After all, Swedish police that day had just raided the file sharing site’s offices and carted away a boatload of servers.
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