Afficher les éléments par tag : Cessna
Mercredi, 13 Juin 2012 05:24
WebBuzz du 13/06/2012
Maitriser un avion est un plus difficile au moment du décollage et surtout de l'atterrissage. Du fait de la répartition de leur poid leger, les Cessnas sont connus pour être très sensible au freinage. Le mauvais réflexe de beaucoup de jeunes pilotes est d'accentuer le freinage au moment ou ils sentent l'avion basculer alors qu'il faut le relacher au contraire.
Mastering an airplane is a more difficult during takeoff and especially landing. Because the distribution of their weight light, the Cessnas are known to be very sensitive to braking. The bad reflex of many young drivers is to accentuate the braking or when they feel the plane while it takes the switch releasing the contrary.
Mastering an airplane is a more difficult during takeoff and especially landing. Because the distribution of their weight light, the Cessnas are known to be very sensitive to braking. The bad reflex of many young drivers is to accentuate the braking or when they feel the plane while it takes the switch releasing the contrary.
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