A University of Brigham, in the state of Utah in America, the values ??taught through sport are important. Whatever the obstacles, you always know how to bounce and keep in mind the objectives we had set. This is the case of this young athelete, who, despite the failure of the most comprehensive show jumping in a race and a little time to recover her spirits, she took the race ...
China, People know combine business with pleasure. This Golden Retriever was educated by his master to monitor his bike when he goes shopping. This faithful companion even know how to ride in the back of himself when his master takes his bike and advise when it is ready ...
Voici un bel exemple de la notion de barycentre ou plus communément appelé centre de gravité. Si le chargement avait été autrement disposé, la grue aurait certainement pu être dans l'autre sens lui permettant de baisser au maximum sa flèche, de rendre l'embarcation plus stable et d'arriver à bon port...
Here is an example of the notion of barycenter or more commonly known as center of gravity. If the load had been otherwise disposed, the crane could certainly have been the other way it could lower its maximum boom, making the boat more stable and reach port ...
Cubism.js est un plugin pour D3.js, une bibliothèque basé sur le langage JavaScript permettant de générer aux formats HTML et SVG, pour afficher des séries temporelles en temps réel.
Athletes are increasingly involving the public in their shows. Is it to encourage them or simply flatter their egos? One thing for sure is that the athelete of this video is not ready to do it again. Before stating, he waved to be applause by audience. At the time of the jump, probably by so much encouragement, he is unbalanced and spread out on the sand.
Le défilement Parallaxe, qui crée une illusion de profondeur en déplaçant les éléments à différentes vitesses, peut offrir une nouvelle manière de navigation et rendre un site web très attractif.
Soon as it's the weekend, here's a video that might give you fishing or at least make you hum the song of the legendary band Queen. It is the artist Pablo Stanley who had the idea to illustrate the song.
Les E-books ont une popularité augmente régulièrement et sont un excellent moyen de publier tout type de contenu.
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