Jeudi, 30 Septembre 2010 18:45
Location-Based Mobile Social Network Buzzd Debuts New And Improved Android App
Buzzd, a social city and nightlife mobile app that pulls its data from Twitter and other buzzd users for a bigger picture of the places that are hot in a given location, is debuting a new Android app today. The app will aggregate check-ins from Gowalla, Foursquare, Facebook, Loopt, Brightkite and Buzzd itself to give users a realtime view of the most popular venues in their areas.
The buzzd network compiles information from its base of over a half-million active users and other real-time sources to provide users with activity updates for almost half a million venues across the United States, the U.K. and Canada. The Android app now aggregates over 500,000 check-ins per day from Twitter, Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Loopt, Yelp, Whrrl and other real-time location -based services sources to present activity at bars, clubs, restaurants and other points of interest. That data is then added to the app’s “buzzdmeter,” which gives you a real-time measure of activity at popular bars, restaurants and nightclubs in your city.
Besides a UI overhaul, the new app has tighter Facebook and Twitter integration, and now allows users to find the friends on these social networks that user Buzzd. You can also now simultaneously post buzzd ratings to your Facebook wall and/or Twitter feed.
Buzzd currently counts one million users, with 500,000 of those users actively using the service. It is a tough market to play in considering the popularity of Foursquare, Gowalla and now Facebook Places. But Buzzd is trying to focus on aggregating information on the actual venues, so perhaps the app can find a way to attract users. Buzzd actually aggregated the most popular venues according to check-ins for the Summer of 2010 in the U.S. (see chart below).
CrunchBase InformationBuzzdInformation provided by CrunchBase
8Authors: Leena Rao
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