Authors: Mike Butcher
Mercredi, 01 Septembre 2010 19:00
Look Out Groupon Clones, Here Come The Celebrity Offer Sites
Goodypass, a new 'flash offers' startup which will offer members goods at cut down prices, looks to be more than just another Groupon clone. If you think about it, most offers sites are startups with no pre-existing brand or audience. The only thing they have to go on is the attractiveness of their offers.
But Goodypass heralds a new wave. It's fronted by UK breakfast TV star Kate Garraway and backed by US/Russian investor
Kite Ventures. Goodypass wil have two main advantages as I see it: access to celebrities to promote the offers and the 'brand values' of each celebrity. And crucially, a pre-existing audience for those celebs who will be almost certain to push the offers out through social media.
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