Saturday 05 October 2024
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Handsome But Tough-to-Read Timepiece Leaves Us Second-Guessing

Most wristwatches come in two basic temperaments: the tried and true, hassle-free type; and the too-clever-for-their-own-good troublemakers that are tougher to read than Finnegan’s Wake.

Drink Up HTML5, It's Last Call

After more than 3 years of development, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) HTML Working Group has voted to move the HTML5 draft specification to Last Call status. That means HTML5 is about to crawl out of the dark pub and into the harsh morning light of the web.

Lawmakers Punt Again on Patriot Act Reform

It’s Groundhog Day again, at least insofar as Patriot Act reform is concerned.

Méi e groussen chiffre d'affaires a méi en héijen Gewënn fir d’SES

Méi e groussen chiffre d'affaires a méi en héijen Gewënn fir d’SES

Déi Leit déi sech schonns un dat sonnegt Wieder vun deenen leschten Wochen gewinnt haten, riskéieren eng béis Iwwerraschung z’erliewen well fir dësen Weekend sinn nämlech Reen an och méi kal Temperaturen annoncéiert.

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