Monday, 07 February 2011 19:12
TinyUmbrella Updated To 4.21.07; Preserves iPhone 4 Baseband For iOS 4.2.1
@Notcom, the dev behind TinyUmbrella has released an updated for Windows, and Mac OSX. And, now is the best time to save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.2.1 so that you may downgrade to iOS 4.2.1 and jailbreak your iPhone and iPod Touch if you wish to. In this guide you’ll learn how to save SHSH blobs of iOS 4.1 for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, 2G with a single click using TinyUmbrella. You can download Tinyumbrella 4.21.07 from the link below. TinyUmbrella let you save SHSH blobs (necessary for restoring older firmware) for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. More details on TinyUmbrella can be found here. In previous update of TinyUmbrella, Notcom added SHSH support for iOS 4.3 beta firmwares. Tinyumbrella 4.21.07 is specifically developed to prevent iPhone 4 baseband update on iOS 4.2.1 firmware, so it won’t be effective on other devices. Following Twitter update will let you know about this newly released tool - Since Chronic Dev team has provided untethered GreenPois0n RC5 / RC5_b2 / RC5_b3 jailbreak tool, many iPhone users are happy and looking to jailbreak their devices. Please keep in mind that there is no ultrans0w unlock available for those who are using iOS 4.2.1 based iPhones. If you want unlock on iPhone 4, preserve the baseband value with TinyUmbrella 4.21.07 and then you can begin with unlocking process. Download TinyUmbrella 4.21.07: A detailed guide on how to save SHSH blobs for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch is linked below: Stay tuned to us for more jailbreak news and info. by following us on Twitter and/or subscribing to our RSS feeds. [Source: TinyUmbrella] ? Authors:
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