Tuesday, 08 February 2011 08:13
[How To] Jailbreak The Verizon iPhone 4 With GreenPois0n RC5 Beta 4
Many of you have been posting comments informing us how that you were able to jailbreak the Verizon iPhone 4 with an updated GreenPois0n. The update is now live and is confirmed that you are able to jailbreak your brand new Verizon iPhone and any other iDevice on firmware iOS 4.2.1. You can download GreenPois0n RC5 Beta 4 which is now available on both the Mac OS X and Windows now. Follow the steps below Step One: Head to GreenPois0n.com and download the newest version Step Two: Attach your iPhone to your computer (Close iTunes if it opens) Step Three: Open the GreenPois0n app and follow the instructions to put your device in DFU mode. Step Four: Greenpois0n will recognize the device in DFU, and run its code, allowing for an untethered jailbreak for the iPhone at this point. The phone will reboot after finishing, however, it will now have an animated boot logo that starts with the Apple logo but turns into the GreenPois0n logo. Step Five: On your springboard, you should now see an app called ‘Loader’ which will download and install Cydia. Note: Cydia might not appear directly after Loader finishes, if that is the case, reboot and you should see it. Step Six: Open Cydia, and install updates as needed! Enjoy your jailbroken Verizon iPhone 4! Let us know if you have any problems or if something doesn’t work as mentioned by dropping a comment in the section below! Just a quick note, you may find that some Cydia apps may not run perfectly yet, since the Verizon iPhone uses a modified firmware compared to the GSM version. It is expected that the two versions will sync up when iOS 4.3 is released but for now you can enjoy the jailbreak! You might also like to check out: As usual, stay tuned for more news and info regarding your iOS devices by following us on Twitter and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. Authors:
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