Friday, 19 August 2011 21:51
AT&T Changes Their Text Messaging Plans
If you don’t want an unlimited text message plan and are planning to join the AT&T family, then you should get used to spending $.20 per text (or more for MMS). Starting this upcoming Sunday, August 21st, new AT&T customers will only have two options for their texting plans: unlimited texting, which starts or $20 per month or pay per text. AT&T representatives confirmed the change this morning, telling me that the new plans shouldn’t shake up too many folks, particularly since the majority of new customers opt for the unlimited plans regardless. The vast sea of critics who believe mobile carriers like AT&T should offer more choices rather than dictate limited options are not pleased by the news. In case you aren’t keeping track, this is the second time AT&T has scaled back on its menu of text messaging plans so far in 2011. In January, you may recall AT&T bringing an end to the 200 messages for $5 per month also. The 1500 messages for $15 a month plan. Existing customers however were allowed to maintain their plans. According to AT&T, the change in text plan offerings represent another “streamlining” effort in its text messaging plans. Authors:
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