Monday, 21 March 2011 06:12
AT&T To Acquire T-Mobile – Becoming Largest U.S Wireless Provider
AT&T in a surprise announcement has totally changed the mobile world Sunday by announcing a definitive agreement to acquire T-Mobile USA Deutsche Telekom for $39 billion in cash and stock combo. With this transaction, the wireless giant says in a formal statement heralding the buy, “AT&T commits to a significant expansion of robust 4G LTE deployment to 95 percent of the U.S population to reach an additional 46.5 million Americans beyond current plans – including rural communities and small towns.” If given the green light via regulatory approval, AT&T will effectively become the largest wireless provider in the U.S. This moves comes in as a major blow to Verizon as the carriers (both of which boast an iPhone) end up duking it out to an entirely new degree of mobile supremacy. By bringing T-Mobile customers into the fold at AT&T, the carrier is poised to end up potentially regaining some of the mobile mojo it lost to Verizon earlier this year due to the release of the Verizon iPhone. AT&T chairman and CEO, Randall Stephenson mentioned “This transition represents a major commitment to strengthen and expand critical infrastructure for our nation’s future. It will improve network quality and it will bring advanced LTE capabilities to more than 294 million people. Mobile broadband networks drive economic opportunity everywhere, and they enable the expanding high-tech ecosystem that includes device makers., cloud and content providers, app developers, customers, and more. During the past few years, America’s high-tech industry has delivered innovation at unprecedented speed, and this combination will accelerate its continued growth.” If you are interested in reading the official statement from AT&T, you can do so by clicking here. What do you guys think of the possibility of such a large merger? Do you think it’ll help improve the complaints many AT&T and T-Mobile users currently have? Let us know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below! As usual, stay tuned by following us on our new Facebook page (brownie points for those who “Like” us on Facebook), Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. Source: AT&T Authors:
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