Saturday, 19 March 2011 07:09
iOS To Mac Video Streaming Delivered With Banana TV App
One of the coolest things that we have seen in a while is now available courtesy of developer Erica Sadun, who brings us Banana TV from her beta AirFlick software. Thanks to Erica, everyone has the ability to reverse the AirPlay pathway and play video clips (or images) from your iDevice (such as an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch running iOS 4.2 or higher) right to your networked Mac. While you probably have most of the same content on your computer that you have on your iDevice, it’s a great way to show videos on a bigger screen when visiting friends or family; it also opens up AirPlay streaming from iOS devices your friends or colleagues have with them, even without an Apple TV (at the office, for example). It is fully functionl and fast in real life as it does in the demo video, which is always a good thing. Best of all the practicality of the tool is immense. After all, most of us have been in a number of situations where we have wanted to present what we have on our mobile iDevice on a larger screen. So Banana TV has already scored just by delivering a valuable functionality that will certainly get a run for its money from its users. You can try out Banana TV for yourself ($7.99) by visiting the official home of Banana TV by clicking here. As usual, stay tuned for more tech news and info by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. [Source: Banana TV] Authors:
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