WebBuzz du 14/02/2012
Cats are the masters of big jumps, as the popular legend attributed to him can always landed on his feet. Is this an innate ability or acquired? Nylah still young kitten shows us that do not control all parameters of jumping to their young age ...
WebBuzz du 08/04/2014
Plus de peur que de mal même si ce garçon a dû ressentir la douleur pendant un certain temps. Fort heureusement, avec son ami qui filme, ils avaient eu la bonne idée de regrouper un peu de neige poudreuse au cas ou. Pour effectuer sa figure complètement, cet acrobat en herbe a besoin d'un peu plus d'entrainement. Nous ne saurions trop vous conseiller de ne pas reproduire cela chez vous.
More fear than harm even if that boy must have felt the pain for a while. Fortunately, his friend filming, they had the good idea to combine a bit of powder snow in case. To make his face completely, this budding acrobat needs a little more training. We strongly advise you not to reproduce it at home.
WebBuzz du 04/08/2011
Regis profite de ses vacances au bord d'un bateau. En fin d'après midi, alors qu'il a fait chaud, il a envie de nager. Il se prépare à plonger mais, comme à son habitude, rate son saut et fini sur le ponton du navire !!!
Regis enjoy his holiday on a boat. By late hot afternoon, he wants to swim. He is preparing to dive, but as usual, misses his jump and ended up on the dock of the ship!!!
WebBuzz du 18/05/2012
Au retour de shopping, Julie et son ami ont eu l'étrange surprise de trouver du coté conducteur sous leur voiture une énorme flaque d'eau. Pour mettre un peu d'ambiance, Julie décide d'ouvrir la porte et de sauter à bord du véhicule. Pour immortaliser l'exploit, son ami a eu la bonne idée de filmer.
Back from shopping, Julie and her boyfriend found under the car on the driver's side a huge puddle. To put a little fun in the atmosphere, Julie decides to open the door and jump on board the vehicle. To immortalize the feat, his friend had the brilliant idea of ??recodring.
WebBuzz du 21/03/2012
Alors que ce cavalier défile dans la rue, il aperçoit la caméra qui le filme. Voulant sans doute montrer à quel point il maitrise l'art de l'équitation, il tente de faire ruer son cheval. Ce dernier effectue sa ruade, mais le cavalier est beaucoup trop en arrière et fait basculer sa monture sur le dos ... Heureusement, les deux s'en sortent idemnes.
While this rider scrolls across the street, he sees one people with camera that filmed him. Undoubtedly he wanted to show how he mastered the art of riding, he tries to rush his horse. It performs its kick, but the rider is too far back and swung his mount on the back ... Fortunately, both are safe.
WebBuzz du 30/04/2012
Athletes are increasingly involving the public in their shows. Is it to encourage them or simply flatter their egos? One thing for sure is that the athelete of this video is not ready to do it again. Before stating, he waved to be applause by audience. At the time of the jump, probably by so much encouragement, he is unbalanced and spread out on the sand.
WebBuzz du 30/06/2015: Saut de nuit en Wingsuits avec leds-Night skydiving in wingsuits with leds
Une célèbre marque de Soda a trouvé un nouveau moyen de faire parler d'elle avec cette incroyable vidéo. 4 membres de sa skydive dream team ont sautés de nuit en wingsuit éclairés par des leds. L'effet est incroyable surtout que les couleurs des costumes changent en fonction de la musique. Incroyable.
A famous brand of Soda has found a new way to talk about it with this incredible video. 4 members of his dream team skydive have skipped wingsuit night lit by LEDs. The effect is amazing especially the colors of the costumes change depending on the music. Unbelievable.
WebBuzz du 25/01/2011
Voici un saut qui ne manque pas piquant. Cela devait être qu'une simple formalité, mais il s'est vite transformer en saut périlleux avant involontaire ...
Here is an interresting jump. This would be a normal, but he quickly turned into a involontary front flip...
WebBuzz du 13/06/2012
Mastering an airplane is a more difficult during takeoff and especially landing. Because the distribution of their weight light, the Cessnas are known to be very sensitive to braking. The bad reflex of many young drivers is to accentuate the braking or when they feel the plane while it takes the switch releasing the contrary.
WebBuzz du 23/10/2012
John et Julie se promène dans la forêt, ils rencontrent une petite rivère. Le temps est beau et ils décident de sauter au-dessus plutôt que d'en faire le tour. John saute le premier afin de montrer l'exemple. Après beaucoup d'hésitations, Julie se lance avant de changer d'avis. Mais son élan l'emporte ...
John and Julie walks in the forest, they encounter a small river running. The weather is nice and they decide to jump over rather than do the trick. John jumps to the first example. After much hesitation, Julie starts before changing his mind. But his momentum carries ...