While the speech to text feature is currently only available for text messages on an Android, a build with full email, text and Twitter functionality should be available in the next week on both platforms.
To set DriveSafe.ly up, you download the app in the Android or Blackberry app store or here, turn it on, click on settings and fill in your app preferences for communication while you’re driving. It may take some getting used to (the jarring speech response product has a tendency to mess up) before you’re driving and emailing in “safe” mode full force.
DriveSafe.ly, which also recently opened its API to mobile developers, currently has over six million users and has read over 250 million text messages in its three year life span.
And TechCrunch readers wishing to try the app out on Blackberry or Android before it hits the iPhone in November can use the purchase code “TECHCRUNCHSAFELY” for the remainder of October.
While the DriveSafe.ly website does feature the dubious statistic of “299 million texting while driving accidents” prevented by the app, anyone who’s ever blogged in traffic can tell you this type of technology is at least worth a shot.
Especially if you’re from Los Angeles.

Authors: Alexia Tsotsis