Later in the event, Mayer introduced a clip they put together using Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” music video. It’s a smart idea because in the video Dylan uses flash cards to show what he’s saying as he sings it — sorta like how you now see results as you type with Google Instant.
The video cuts between shots of Dylan’s video with someone doing a Google Instant query based on what he’s singing and the results showing up as they type. It’s a nice, fun way to show off the power of Google Intant. And at 45 seconds, it’s almost the perfect length to run as a TV spot.
Google has traditionally shied away from advertising, but their chief rival Bing (Microsoft) is doing plenty of it all over television — and they appear to be gaining market share. It may be time for Google to counter in a real way with ads like this.

Authors: MG Siegler