Mercredi, 09 Février 2011 20:35
TinyUmbrella Updated To 4.21.08; Supports Verizon/CDMA iPhone 4
Backing up your SHSH blobs is an important part of Jailbreaking. Luckily Cydia does most of the work, but for those that like to really keep a hold on things, TinyUmbrella is your ultimate SHSH manager. By backing up your SHSH blobs yourself, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to get back to that particular version of firmware. @Notcom, the dev behind TinyUmbrella has released a new beta (4.21.08) for Windows, and Mac OSX. The app works for the iPhone (all models), iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV without the need to have your device jailbroken. The newest version, 4.21.08, which is still a beta, supports the iPhone 4 on Verizon. You can follow our guide on how to save SHSH blobs of iOS 4.2.1 for iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPod Touch 4G, 3G, 2G with a single click using TinyUmbrella. You can download Tinyumbrella 4.21.08 from the link below. Download TinyUmbrella 4.21.08: There’s also an alternative to TinyUmbrella called iSHSHit, if you choose to go with the alternate option you can follow our how to guide can be found here. Knowing this is a Beta and that the developer of TinyUmbrella doesnt yet have a Verizon iPhone, there will definitely be more updates to come. Stay tuned for more on this topic by following us on Twitter and/or by subscribing to our RSS Feed. [Source: TinyUmbrella] Authors:
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