Jeudi, 30 Septembre 2010 09:57
A Super Sneak Peak At Qwiki On The iPad
Yesterday, at Disrupt it took a long time for the judges to decide to award the top prize to Qwiki, the visual information consumption service that presents information in a fluid assemblage of photos, videos, and spoken words. It’s the kind of service that would demo really great on an iPad, where you want to just sit back and watch as information is presented to you. Although the co-founders Doug Imbruce and Louis Monier showed a concept video of an iPhone wake-up app based on the service, they only actually showed it working on a laptop in Flash. During the deliberations backstage, the question was raised whether it would even work on the iPad.
Well, it turns out that it will and Qwiki already has an iPad prototype in development. One of the Qwiki engineers milling around backstage after the awards ceremony showed off one of the iPad prototype’s features (the ability to zoom a video to full-screen in the middle of a Qwiki). The engineer kind of has a Double-Rainbow moment over it. A bystander captured the video above.
The only question I have is why the hell didn’t they show the iPad app on stage? It didn’t matter in the end, but I think it would have helped us better visualize some of the possibilities. Now, I really want to play around with Qwiki.
CrunchBase InformationQwikiiPadInformation provided by CrunchBase
6Authors: Erick Schonfeld
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