Dimanche, 26 Septembre 2010 00:37
“Bom Sabado” Worm Hits Google’s Orkut
In a week marked by Twitter and Facebook service fails, Google just became the third huge web service to experience turbulence, with primarily Brazilian social network Orkut being hit hard today by the “Bom Sabado” javascript worm, which infected user streams with a scrap with the text “Bom Sabado” and then automatically signed up those users for groups.
As Orkut currently has over 52 million active users worldwide and over 34 billion pageviews each month it’s no surprise that “Born Sabado” (“Good Saturday”) is currently trending on Google.
While neither Google or Orkut has responded to our inquiries on the extent of the virus or whether it is still happening, we’re hearing that the Orkut security team is trying to resolve the issue, and the best way currently to avoid the bug is to avoid Orkut entirely according to poweruser ghafoortabish who explains how to avoid the virus.
1. DO NOT visit any profile on Orkut till this script is blocked ( More preciously DO NOT use Orkut till this is blocked, as you can get affected by Flash scrpas posted on your SB too! )
2. Clear your cookies and cache right away and change your password and security question :
3. Let your friends know about this script and make them aware of the situation. ( It’s just an effort to minimize the damage ).
Thanks: Comptalks
7Authors: Alexia Tsotsis
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