“I don’t want a NATION WIDE response. I want a LOCAL targeted response. Tell me what you are doing to improve service in San Francisco please. The iPhone capital of the world is pretty much the wrong place to have bad service. I lose my service in our elevator at work: SOMA. I have no service in my apartment: LOWER HAIGHT. My roommate sits there on his Droid / Verizon & has a whole conversation without saying “oh wait can you hear me?” and losing his call 5x. I have to go outside to our porch, or lean out the window to make a call or send a txt. I literally get frustrated with AT&T almost EVERY SINGLE DAY. Make a change, and announce that change locally, with measurable results via feedback from people & you get to keep me as a customer when Verizon/iPhone comes out.”
“The coverage here in Denver is mortifying. On a scale of 1-10, my service here is a 3. I used to love your service, best of all time, was never happier…now it’s a joke. Support is a joke. Customer Service, a joke. They said they would give me a discount once my service got better..I pay $150 every month…after 6 months of dropped calls, lost business, missing everything, they offered me a $31.00 discount off 1 month.”
I HATE ATT!!!!!!!!
Here’s the email that started it all:
The most ironic part of the whole debacle? You have to “Like” the AT&T page to leave a comment, so many of the people expressing their anger and frustration were actually giving props to AT&T.

Authors: Alexia Tsotsis