Jeudi, 11 Août 2011 07:39
FCC Plans To Implement SMS/MMS To Emergency Call Operators
Being the 911 operator probably requires the ability to put up with a lot of stress as you have to answer calls from screaming, injured, angry, crazy, dying people all day. Their job is just about to get worse as they will soon be able to receive texts, photos, and videos of the misery. The FCC just recently announced a plan to catch 911 emergency services up with current technology as they aim for standardization across U.S emergency networks which are not controlled by any one governing body. The update will allow the public to send text, photos, and videos to 911. The plan also callls for first responders to have the ability to receive the text, pictures, and videos too so they know what they are dealing with before they arrive. This type of technology is proving to be a literal life saver in hostage-type situations where phone calls can’t be made easy but a sneaky text might be possible or for those with disabilities. At the same time though, the potential for abuse seems very high too. People can send texts, photos, and videos if they find your phone to 911 from your phone number if they manage to get their hands on your device. There also has to be some kind of filter (or so we hope) that has to be followed so the 911 operators don’t end up seeing gruesome pics. The plan also seems to call for a better positioning system so they can lock onto exactly where the texts are coming from. In an ideal world, this all sounds great, but in our world, where GPS’ seem to be a mile and a half off more often than not, it seems to be pretty problematic. The resolution is likely to come out of our tax dollars as the FCC will probably need lots of it to work towards this plan. What do you think of the whole ordeal? Is it something that you think is a good idea? Let us know in the comments below! As usual, stay tuned for more news and info on the topic by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. Authors:
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