Samedi, 19 Mars 2011 08:11
More Proof Of Apple’s Free, Revamped Mobile Me Coming In April
Apple’s new and free version of MobileMe is reportedly set to launch in April according to a “trusted” iLounge source. The source, who works for a major educational institution, claims the school’s supplier has said the current version of MobileMe is no longer available, and that Apple is suggesting new students sign up for the 60-day trial to cover the gap between the final MobileMe shipment and the launch of the new version. In addition, the source was told that Apple will be supporting the existing version of MobileMe for the next year, suggesting that the new version will be quite different from the existing service. We reported earlier that Apple is going to unveil iOS 5 and the MobileMe revamp in April. The reason why Apple will be unveiling the two together in a single event is probably because the two will have deep integration. We don’t know exactly how as of yet but iOS 5 is expected to be bringing a lot o cloud features together. We now have another source that backs the claim of the revamped MobileMe April launch, which sort of confirms the early April event. Folks at iLounge are reporting that the new revamped version will come free. Reported to them by a source who works in an educational institute, the new version is going to be a free online cloud based “ocker” that will keep photos, videos, and music. The source claims that the school’s supplier has said that the current version of MobileMe is no longer available and anyone who needs to sign up shall opt for the $60-day trial. This will help cover the gap between now and the launch of a new version. Apple will support the existing version for a year, suggesting that the new version is going to be a lot more different and the support for an older version is kept for those users who already paid for their yearly subscription. Stay tuned for more on this topic by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or subscribing to our RSS feed. [Source: iLounge] Authors:
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