Afficher les éléments par tag : laptop
Jeudi, 07 Mai 2015 06:16
Protection simple de votre laptop - UsbKill
UsbKill est un petit programme qui détecte tout changement de vos ports USB et provoque l'extinction de votre portable.
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Mardi, 31 Mai 2011 13:00
The Perils of Cloud Computing
What would happen if your future arrived too early? If you got the keys to your first car when you were eight? Landed your first big management job at 15?
I’ve been asking those questions while playing with the Cr-48 laptop, the first implementation of Google’s cloud-based Chrome operating system. After a few months with it, I feel like it’s important, but I also think it’s from a future we’re simply not ready for.
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News Technologique-Tech News
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