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Piloter un drône demande énormément d'heures d'entrainement. Mais grace à la technologie, c'est maintenant à la portée de tous. Vous avez besoin de prendre de la hauteur ? Lily est pour vous. Il est simple à commander et vous suit partout.

Fly a drone requires a lot of hours of training. But thanks to technology, it is now within the reach of all. You need to get high? Lily is for you. It is simple to control and follows you everywhere.

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Review: Get Your Game On With Sony's Xperia Play Android Phone

Where most slider phones have a keyboard, Sony Ericsson's Xperia Play sports Playstation controls. Photo: Jon Snyder/Wired.com.

Mothers, lock up your gamers. The PlayStation phone has arrived.

And while it’s a bit on the chubby side, we think that, for Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Play, big is beautiful.

You could almost call the Xperia Play the shorter, fatter cousin to the svelte Xperia Arc, which Sony Ericsson once described as the “world’s thinnest smartphone.” At .62 inches, the Play looks positively bulky compared to its Xperia-line relatives — a veritable Jan Brady to the Arc’s Marcia.

Content-Focused iPad Apps Value Form Over Function: Study

One set of instructions for the Moleskine iPad app.

A report released by the Nielsen Norman Group shows that many iPad apps are confusing users by being too subtle about the gestures needed to navigate them, and some are not sensitive enough to the accuracy limit of fingertips. The authors also found that many companies with perfectly functional websites are wasting their time making a less-functional iPad app.

Mardi, 06 Novembre 2012 07:09

WebBuzz du 06/11/2012

Le niveau de sécurite dans les aéroports est tellement sensible que l'on doit être en mesure d'éteindre en moins de 3 minutes tout début d'incendie. Le meilleur moyen pour y parvenir est de remplir de mousse un hangard d'un volume considérable. Afin de vérifier le respect des niveaux de sécurité, un test de mousse est régulièrement effectué. C'est toujours autant impressionnant de voir autant de mousse en si peu de temps ... Il est même étonnant qu'un night club ne soit pas équipé d'un tel engin. Comment font ils pour se débarrasser de la mousse une fois le test terminé ?
The level of security at airports is so sensitive that one should be able to put out an early fire in less than 3 minutes. The best way to do this is to fill the shed of a substantial volume with foam. To verify the compliance with security levels, a foam test is regularly performed. It is always impressive to see so much foam so quick ... It is even surprising that a nightclub is not equipped with such a device. How do they get rid of the foam once the test is completed ?

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While vacationing in France, you find a DVD of Ishtar. Score! (It’s never been released on DVD in the US). But when you get home, you discover that you’ve purchased a Region 2 disc, which, in your Region 1 player, is as useful as a coaster. This raises two questions: Why do you want to watch Ishtar? And why do we still have region codes?

The answers: taste and money, respectively. Though there’s no accounting for the former, those codes may soon be gone.

Regional restrictions began in 1997, as DVD technology was rolling out. They have nothing to do with the NTSC and PAL...

Robotics lab Boston Dynamics est heureux de vous annoncer la naissance de spot. C'est un robot quadrupède totallement indépendant et capable d'affronter n'importe quel terrains. Il se déplace tout seul et sait garder l'équilibre. Impressionnant.

Robotics lab Boston Dynamics is pleased to announce the birth spot. It is a quadruped robot totally independent and able to tackle any terrain. It moves by itself and knows how to keep the balance. Impressive.

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Ce sera une découverte pour certains et un souvenir pour d'autres, voici une petite saga sur l'évolution des jeux vidéos depuis 1958. On peut mesurer le chemin parcouru.

It will be a discovery for some and a memory for others, here's a little saga about the evolution of video games since 1958. We can measure the progress.

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Jeudi, 13 Février 2014 07:36

WebBuzz du 13/02/2014

Les logiciels libres sont souvent critiqués car ils n'offrent rien de concret. Voici un petit exemple de ce que l'on peut faire en détournant une imprimante 3D et l'utilisation des logiciels open source. Si l'aventure vous tente, voici la notice de montage.
Free software is often criticized because they do not offer anything concrete. Here is a small example of what can be done by diverting a 3D printer and use of open source software. If you're feeling adventurous, here are the installation instructions.

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Enfin la technique offre des solutions pour rendre le monde qui nous entoure de plus en plus sûr. Avec cette solution de radars, le conducteur est sensibilisé aux autres usagers de la route. Vivement que ces solutions se démocratisent et soient disponible en série même sur les voitures low-cost.

Finally, the technique offers solutions to make the world around us more and more secure. With this solution radars, the driver is aware of other road users. Strongly that these solutions are democratizing and are available as standard even on low-cost cars.

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Après les retouches des images, la technique permet maintenant de retoucher également les vidéos. En voici un exemple avec l'actrice Michele Valley qui s'est prétée au jeu. Est-ce que cela sonne le glas de la chirurgie estétique ?

After retouching images, the technique now also allows to retouch the videos. Here's an example with Michele Valley actress who has construed the game. Is this the death knell of the aesthetical surgery?

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