Everyone knows it's dangerous to walk on ice, especially when you do not know if it can support your weight. This lesson was lernaed by the young due to a stupid bet start to cross the frozen canal ...
Loading vehicles is always a delicate phase. Professionals never use the vehicle itself but rather a winch for loading on the truck. Indeed, you never know what condition are the brakes or clutch... This could have been used in our Regis today that seems to improvise automotive store. The slope to load the car is stiff, he start the engine and run it very high ...
In a supermarket in Harbin, China, was a special way to collect the trolley. Indeed, as here, a long line of trolley are driven hard because it's very heavy. Instead of leaving them in the car parks, the Chinese prefer to take the trolleys just before entering the supermarket, even if it is on the 1st floor. That is why the lines of shopping carts also use excalators ...
Cats are the masters of big jumps, as the popular legend attributed to him can always landed on his feet. Is this an innate ability or acquired? Nylah still young kitten shows us that do not control all parameters of jumping to their young age ...
Maîtriser un outil demande beaucoup de temps. Surtout si celui-ci est puissant comme une pelleteuse. Et pourtant, certains sont en mesure d'en faire une sorte d'extension de leur corps et d'être aussi précis que leurs mains. C'est ce que montre cette vidéo ou l'on voit ce conducteur être capable de placer une balle de golfe sur deux bouteilles en équilibre ...
Control tool is time consuming. Especially if it is powerful as an excavator. And yet, some are able to make a kind of extension of their bodies and be like their hands. That's what this video shows where we see the driver being able to place a golf ball balance on two bottles ...
La neige quand elle tombe en trop grosse quantité est un problème pour tout le monde, y compris nos animaux de compagnie. Comme le montre cette vidéo, la balade champêtre d'un chat peut ressembler à un parcours du combattant ...
The snow when it falls too large quantity is a problem for everyone, including our pets. As shown in this video, the rural walk cat may look like an obstacle course ...
Maman a demandé à son bébé de 16 mois s'il voulait manger un peu de pates au fromage, prendre un bain, ou si il aime son papa, mais bébé Bob répondait toujours "Non". Ce n'est que lorsqu'elle lui demande s'il veut un million de dollars que Bob s'immobilisa pour réfléchir un instant, fronça les sourcils, puis hocha la tête pour dire oui.
Mom asked her sixteen month old if he wanted to eat some mac-n-cheese, take a bath, or if he loves dad, but baby Bob kept answering, “No.” That is until mom asked if he wants a million dollars. He stopped for a moment, furrowed his brow in thought, then nodded his head yes.
Pour ceux qui connaissent un peu le canada, en hiver le skidoo ou moto neige est un vrai délice dans un décor immaculé. Alors que la nature sauvage nous attend, pourquoi y-a-t'il une marche arrière sur les skidoos ? voici un élément de réponse ...
For those who know something about the canada in the winter or snowmobile skidou is delicious in a white wild. While the wilderness awaits us, why is there a backtrack on skidoos? here is an answer ...
A l'heure des synthétiseurs, sampleurs et autres instrument électronique, il est difficile de se démarquer. Sauf peut être pour la Corée du Nord. Voici une version surréaliste "nord coréenne" du succès que chantait Ah-a dans les années 84-85.
At synthesizers, samplers and other electronic instrument, it is difficult to stand out. Except perhaps for North Korea. Here's a surreal version "North Korean" success that Ah-sung has in years 84-85.
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