Major milestones 2012
Before launching my good friend and partner Peter Madsen into space on a first manned flight there is much to do. People always ask us when we are ready and I have to answer: well, when we are ready. The outcome of our experiments and tests dictates when we launch. We can’t do anything else than work as hard as possible while having fun. So, maybe anywhere between five to 10 years if you really want an untrustworthy answer.
Most subsystems can be tested on ground but there are times you need to go all the way with an actual launch to test in a correct environment. Engines can be tested...
Ashton Kutcher, Wall Street Journal… YouTube va lancer de nouvelles chaînes thématiques en partenariat avec des célébrités et des grands médias
En plus des centaines de millions de vidéos déjà disponibles sur son site, YouTube semble vouloir organiser un peu le chaos ambiant en prenant des initiatives qui montrent qu’il y a derrière tout cela un éditeur et une volonté de proposer quelques contenus plus « structurés ».
Dans un billet sur son blog officiel, YouTube annonce par la voix de Robert Kyncl, responsable mondial des partenariats, que de nouvelles chaînes thématiques vont être prochainement lancées en partenariat avec des personnalités des médias, du cinéma, de la télévision et du sport. Des chaînes ciblées vers différentes catég...
Wall Street Won't Share the Wealth, But It Will Share the Code
Wall Street isn’t the most magnanimous of places. In fact, several thousand people continue to Occupy Wall Street because it won’t share what it has with others.
But NYSE Technologies is happy to play against type.
NYSE Technologies is the IT division of NYSE Euronext, the company that operates the New York Stock Exchange and various other exchanges across the globe. In essence, it provides tech services to the financial outfits that use these exchanges — investment banks and hedge funds and other trading firms — and for years, it has charged these com...
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