Felix Salmon: Netflix and the Economics of Nonrival Goods
Netflix released its third-quarter results Monday afternoon, showing net income of $62 million, down slightly from the second quarter’s $68 million. And things are going to get much worse before they get better: “We expect to report a global consolidated net loss,” the company said, in the first quarter of 2012.
Maybe the company shouldn’t have spent $40 million, over the course of the third quarter, buying back 182,000 shares at an average price of $218 apiece. In early trading Tursday, shares are trading below $80 — down about 35% from Monday’s close.
In hindsight, it’s pretty clear that N...
U.S. Requests for Google User Data Spikes 29 Percent in Six Months
The number of U.S. government requests for data on Google users for use in criminal investigations rose 29 percent in the last six months, according to data released by the search giant Monday.
U.S. government agencies sent Google 5,590 criminal investigation requests for data on Google users and services from Jan. 1 to June 30, 2011, an average of 31 a day. That’s compared to 4,601 requests from July 1 to Dec. 31, 2010, the company reported Tuesday in an update to its unique transparency tool.
Google says it complied in whole or part with 93% of such requests, which can include court orders,...
Poll Finds Public Support for Climate Hacking
Support among the public for scientists deliberately altering the Earth’s climate on a vast scale to counteract global warming is at 72 percent, according to a recent survey that appeared in the journal Environmental Research Letters.
3,105 individuals from the United States, Canada and the UK responded to the internet survey, which was weighted to be representative of the wider population, making it the first large-scale international survey of public perception to the field.It focused on geoengineering techniques to reflect the Sun’s energy away from the Earth’s surface bef...
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